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March 14, 2023
In 1852, Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to provide statewide public schooling. The rest of the country followed. Since then, public school districts have grown into stronger and better-funded systems. In 2022, Massachusetts spent $18,471,917,000 on the education of children in...
March 1, 2023
You’ve seen the news. Staffing shortages are affecting businesses across the state and country. The struggle to hire workers is hurting their bottom line and consumer access to goods and services. Affordable childcare offers an immediate solution with long term benefits. It allows more parents to...
February 15, 2023
Something’s not right here. Massachusetts childcare workers play a vital role in family, community, and economic life. They ensure parents can work and help prepare young children for academic and professional careers. Nevertheless, early learning staff earn less than a living wage in the state, on...
February 2, 2023
Imagine 1.9 million fewer cases of heart disease, 21 million fewer cases of depression, and 2.5 million fewer instances of obesity in Worcester and across the United States. We can make this dream a reality simply by preventing and treating potentially traumatic events in children. At Edward Street...
January 26, 2023
Worcester Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rachel Monárrez has the right idea. In a January 8th Telegram column , she implored our community to “lean in, act courageously, and ignore the noise.” WPS, she said, “is poised to be a district that is a leader in the Commonwealth,” as it develops the...
January 11, 2023
Who wouldn’t want a more flexible brain? How about greater focus? A better memory? Stronger relationships with extended family? Individuals who are bilingual (speaking two or more languages) and biliterate (speaking, writing, and reading in two or more languages) have more active brains, and there...
January 3, 2023
It’s a new year and young children want to make it the best one ever, but they need your help. They don’t have a seat at the policy table, so we went to see them at the kids’ table! Here’s what they had to say. 1.) I want to be ready for kindergarten and elementary school—even adulthood Please make...
December 21, 2022
Thanks to family childcare providers across the city, families with young children have choices that match their cultural values, common languages, budget, and home and work locations. Yet, despite their importance to the community, many family childcare providers (who are early educators...
December 14, 2022
The new year brings new opportunities, says State Senator-elect, Worcester native Robyn Kennedy. Elected by First Worcester District voters to fill the seat of retiring State Senator Harriet Chandler, Kennedy is eager to tackle complex issues. In the wake of the pandemic, she believes Massachusetts...
December 7, 2022
It’s not big news to say that childcare improves academic performance through high school. It’s a logical assumption, proven by countless studies. What may surprise you is that children who attend early education and care programs enjoy greater physical and mental health… for life. Even more...

