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Community Partners

April 20, 2022
She was the first woman from Worcester to be elected to the Massachusetts State Senate and became a tireless champion of children and families.
April 13, 2022
Childhood anxiety, a growing concern in the United States, is more than a short-term disruption. It can severely impact learning and social-emotional development.
March 7, 2022
Economic opportunity is out of reach for far too many individuals and households in the Commonwealth. Our economy is off tilt with its widening wealth gap and persistent poverty rate (22% in Worcester).
February 8, 2022
When Chef John Lawrence of Peppers Artful Events isn’t preparing gourmet meals in the company’s Northborough kitchen, you might find him at Worcester’s Rainbow Child Development Center.
February 8, 2022
Retired basketball coach, teacher and businessman Charles Luster is on a mission to eliminate food insecurity. He is working across Worcester to grow healthy food and believes, "No one in America should be starving." Part of his plan is teaching young children about gardening. In this NBC story,...
January 31, 2022
Monica Thomas-Bonnick, President of Edward Street’s Board of Directors, has lived in diverse locales across the country, from Texas and Oklahoma to New York City and now, Worcester.
January 10, 2022
Edward Street asked our staff and friends in the community about their hopes and dreams for young children, families, and businesses in 2022.
January 3, 2022
David Jordan shares insights and connections across apprenticeship programs and how they can address the workforce crisis in early education and care. Project Flourish, operating under the Center for Childcare Careers/Family Services of Central MA, a program of Seven Hills Foundation, leverages...
December 16, 2021
When the United Way of Central Massachusetts organized its recent $1 Million Community Challenge—a Shark Tank-like search for bold community initiatives—they made early childhood a priority.
September 15, 2021
When you want to spark learning and growth, it helps to have a space that gets young children really fired up.


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