Our Blog
May 16, 2018
Parent Question We sailed through the “terrible twos” in my house without incident, but since my son has turned three he has become a monster! It feels like every little part of the day becomes a power struggle. This is especially true if we have to get out of the house to be somewhere, or at times...
January 15, 2018
Parent Question I have a 2.9 year old daughter who doesn’t have a lot of language. She says about 50 words, I think she has a speech delay. What should I do? Teacher Response The first thing we want to say is we are not speech pathologists and that you should talk to your child’s pediatrician. They...
December 10, 2017
Parent Question: Winter is coming and I’m dreading it! I end up being stuck inside in the cold weather with all of the kids and we go nuts. I run out of ideas and end up buying more things to keep us all sane! What can I do with them? Educator Response: I hear you! Winter is tough for a lot of us...
November 14, 2017
Parent Question: Hi there! I have a preschool boy who is in school all day long, all week. When I pick him up I always ask him what he did that day. His response is either, “I don’t know” or “Nothing”. Is he really not doing anything all day at school? What is happening?! Educator Response: Rest...
October 16, 2017
Parent Question: I am the parent of a five year old and a two year old. We are a very fortunate middle class family. My children get what they need and more. I am worried that they will end up being entitled and ungrateful. I’m already feeling like my five-year-old expects gifts for no reason and...
September 3, 2017
Parent Question: I am a single mother with a 3 year old preschooler and bed time is awful! About 30 minutes before my son’s bedtime I begin to have anxiety over the process of getting him into bed and staying asleep once I finally get him asleep! Please help, half the time I fall asleep with him...
August 16, 2017
Parent Question: Please Help!! I have a 3 ½ year old who only wants to eat chicken nuggets!! Okay maybe I am exaggerating slightly, but she really is picky and has a limited diet. My mother keeps telling me she isn’t getting enough nutrition and won’t grow properly. Educator Response: First of all...
July 11, 2017
Parent Question: My 4 year old child has developed a fear of the wind. It is to the point where she won’t go outside, if I get her outside and the wind blows she begins to shake, cry and scream. She runs back in the house, I have two younger children who want to be outside. I don’t feel comfortable...
May 17, 2017
Parent Question: My children frequently say, “It’s not fair!!” I have a twelve year old, a seven year old and a 4 year old. I am frustrated and tired of feeling as if I need to defend my decisions or try to make everything equal. Educator Response: All parents have heard those words of injustice; “...
April 29, 2017
Parent Question: Hi there. This is my daughter’s first year in preschool. As we have been heading into the spring, I’m starting to get really frustrated with her teachers because her clothes are coming home filthy every day! What could they possibly be doing that she gets so muddy?! What do I say...