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New Year, New Resolutions You Can Help Children Keep

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Most of us – even kids – make new year’s resolutions! Here are some for 2024 that you can help young children keep!

I want to make new friends!

students playing

A child’s wish: This year, I want to make as many new friends as possible! I want to meet new people and for us to spend our days laughing, playing, and learning together! To do so, I need my caregivers to have access to send me to early childhood centers where I can go and play with lots of kids in my age group.

Making it happen: Affordable childcare is essential for young children to go to school and spend time together. Without it, parents struggle and their kids lack the socialization they need and deserve. Access to high quality education and childcare will help kids reach their full potential and gain socialization skills that will help them throughout their lives.

Parents can see what high quality education looks like, and ensure their young children are getting the care they deserve, by learning from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

I want to tackle my book list!

little girl reading

A child’s wish: I love when people read with me, it’s my favorite part of my day, and helps me learn too! I love hearing all types of stories that teach me about different people, places and things, and building my own library at home!

Making it happen: You can help kids achieve their reading goals and improving their language and literacy skills by grabbing them some books off of these helpful lists:

I want my teachers to have the tools they need to succeed!

teacher playing with students

A child’s wish: I love attending my childcare program, and I love being taught by my teachers! I want my teachers to have lots of supplies so that we can do arts and crafts, build blocks, and read books together!

Making it happen: Educators need adequate support and good compensation to care and teach our children. Educators must earn more for the work that they do so they don’t have to look outside of the education field for a livable wage. So many teachers also spend their own money on everyday supplies used in the classroom – but they shouldn’t have to.

Educators would benefit from a support system and substantial funding to give them the tools they need to be successful, which then allows them to do the thing that they’re best at – shaping our children’s futures.

I want to have fun while learning!

students smiling

A child’s wish: When I play, I learn! I love seeing my friends, trying new things, and being with my teacher! I want this next year to be filled with so much fun and joy while I learn.

Making it happen: This year, help the children in your life by playing alongside them everyday. Playing and learning go hand in hand, and engaging toys will help them develop skills so that they are ready for wherever life takes them (for many, the next stop is kindergarten!).

Mark your calendars for September 16th for the 2024 Day of Play Family Festival! You can also sign up for the Day of Play newsletter to receive simple play activities and ideas each month.

To help the children in your community continue to advocate for the high quality, affordable early education and care they deserve, reach out to your local representative and state legislators. Ask them to continue greater investments in early childhood and tell them how impactful passing the Common Start legislation would be to the future success of our children and our community.

Edward Street proudly supports high quality early learning and care. Donate today so children, families, and businesses can thrive, and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
