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Better Every Single Day: How Edward Street Helps Local Educators Learn and Grow

Friday, July 9, 2021

Early childhood education and care demands a unique approach.

Curriculums, teaching styles, emotional-social support, positive play time...the list goes on and on. To prepare for a successful future, young children need effective educators by their side, and Edward Street is here to help. 

Case in point: our Master Teacher Coaching Program, led by superstar Master Teacher Jo Ann Borinski. Jo Ann visits programs across the City, where she mentors new educators and role models effective teaching styles.

Ongoing Professional Development opportunities, meanwhile, respond to the shifting needs of young children and families—such as during pandemic shutdowns—so educators and programs can meet the needs of the day.

The Master Teacher Coaching Program

Early educators can learn a lot from a Master Teacher with decades of experience.

The Master Teacher Coaching Program, sponsored by Edward Street and funded by the Greater Worcester Community Foundation, welcomes a new group of early educators each year, from programs serving low-income families. Master Teacher Jo Ann Borinski visits each educator once a week for classroom observation, modeling, and reflecting, as well as one-on-one coaching sessions. 

Young children benefit from her child development expertise and teaching style, as do professionals who are new to the field. With Jo Ann’s support, educators can explore new techniques and strategies, refining them into their own style over time. 

One mentee, who was transitioning from a career in elementary education to one in early childhood, told us, “She helped me see myself in a different way.”

Ongoing Professional Development, Presented by Edward Street

Professional development events offered by Edward Street help early educators address challenges with greater awareness and expertise.

  • Childhood Trauma

    One recent series was designed to help educators recognize, understand and address trauma in young children. Events included presentations by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Dr. Jayne Singer, Dr. Heather Forkey and a screening of the film Resilience: The Biology of Stress and The Science of Hope.
  • COVID-Related Training

    When the pandemic hit, professional development of a different kind was needed, and quickly. Support and guidance went virtual and addressed everything from health and safety protocols to curriculum modifications. Providers and teachers were guided through classroom modifications—necessary to meet health and safety protocols—and learned best practices in virtual learning.

    Edward Street also enhanced training around early childhood mental health, a growing concern during the pandemic.

What’s next for Edward Street’s Master Teacher Program and Professional Development? Whatever it takes to help young children and families. Stay informed by following us on LinkedIn or Facebook

To learn more about the Master Teacher Coaching Program, contact Jo Ann Borinski.